Hi, my name is Trevor.

I want to build cool things.

Living in NYC

Born in upstate New York, raised in Texas, schooled in Oklahoma. I've managed to keep "y'all" out of my lexicon, though sometimes a "big'ole" slips in here and there.

Worked in marketing

As a manager at an Inc. 500 marketing agency for the past two years, I've sold products for small startups and national brands alike. I don't want to just sell great products anymore, though. I want to help build them.

Love to code

After tinkering with Python for the past few years, I decided that programming needed to graduate from hobby to a fulltime focus and attended Dev Bootcamp, a 19-week software development program. I mainly code (and dream- seriously) in Ruby and Javascript, but am learning Java and starting to dip my toes back into Python.



AngularJS, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Heroku, Google QPX API, Zilyo API

Flight and hotel planning app built using an Angular frontend backed by a Rails API. With no previous Angular experience, my team and I learned Angular and finished this app in 7 days as our Dev Bootcamp final project.

April, 2015

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Lamb OverRice

Ruby on Rails, JQuery, PostgreSQL, Heroku, Rspec, Capybara

A Ruby on Rails StackOverflow clone with a name inspired by the delicious halal food cart in front of Dev Bootcamp. Highlights include polymorphic associations, sorting by trending questions and ajax-driven duplicate vote validations.

March, 2015

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Analytics Dashboard v2.0

Java, Backbone.js, D3.js, underscore.js, Google Cloud Endpoints, Google Cloud Datastore, Google Analytics API, Maven

Rebuilt my first application, an analytics reporting dashboard, in Java and Backbone.js as a means of learning both. This app allows users to log in to their Google account and create analytics dashboards for the Google Analytics accounts they have access to.

In Progress

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Analytics Dashboard v1.0

Visual Basic, Microsoft Access, Google Analytics API, OAuth 2.0

Developed a monthly reporting dashboard while at Acceleration Partners. The dashboard was built off of Microsoft Access and used Visual Basic to query the Google Analytics API to build client-facing monthly reports.

April, 2014

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Twitter-Controlled Robot Pet

Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Ruby, C, Twitter API

Built off of a Sparki mobile robot, the goal of this project is for a Raspberry Pi to monitor Twitter for tweets that contain certain hashtags and send Sparki's Arduino board movement commands via bluetooth. Basically I'm building myself a pet with the internet as its brain. Programming is fun.

In Progress

Squeek Lights Site

Python, Django, Google App Engine, Google Cloud Datastore, Instagram API, Bootstrap

Site created for a friend's concert lighting rental company. The current site uses Bootstrap, Google App Engine and a Python backend. Building a site admin tool that allows my friend to enter the location and date of shows he is lighting for. Venues can be searched for via the Google Places API, where the latitude and longitude is stored along with the time of the show. The app periodically queries and stores the Instagram API for pics from shows that he lights for.

In Progress

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Udacity Wiki

Python, Webapp2, Google App Engine, Google Datastore, Memcache, Foundation

Developed the backend for a Wiki as part of the Udacity Backend Web Development course's final project. The site's backend was built using Python and Google App Engine. Core functionality includes cookie based log in/log out, password hashing, and memcached database queries. Creating a new wiki page is done by requesting a new URL. If a URL exists, logged in users are able to edit page content.

October, 2014

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Client Tracker

Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Heroku, Nokogiri, Rspec, Bootstrap

A simple afternoon project built in Rails that allows users to track competitor's client portfolio pages for added and removed clients.

April, 2015

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View LinkedIn Download Resume


  • Developed Client-Facing Google Analytics API Reporting Platform
  • Increased Organic Search Traffic +64% For a National Sporting Goods Brand in 4 Months
  • Reduced a Lingerie Ecommerce Retailer's Facebook Ads CPA -59% While Growing Revenue 30%
  • Grew AdWords Revenue +104% While Increasing Margin +15% For a Fishing Supply Retailer

Work History

Manager, Digital Strategy

Acceleration Partners

  • Managed digital strategy retainer accounts and projects
  • Created client-facing reporting dashboards using the Google Analytics API
  • Consulted on information architecture, SEO and analytics

SEO & PPC Consultant


  • Contracted with marketing and web design agencies
  • Conducted technical SEO audits and PPC account audits
  • Executed backlink audit and removal campaigns

Product Merchandiser


  • Oversaw marketing including SEO, store feeds and site content
  • Prepared sales forecasts and purchased all product inventory
  • Developed website optimization projects and a full site rebrand

Education History

Dev Bootcamp

Web App Development

  • Object-oriented design principles and test-driven development practices
  • Curriculum focused on fullstack Ruby on Rails and JavaScript
  • Emphasis on pair programming and team-based agile development processes

University of Oklahoma

Entrepreneurship & New Venture Management Degree

  • Gained experience in business plan and product development processes
  • Learned start-up financial and path-to-market planning
  • Advanced to the semi-finals in the Governor's Cup Business Plan Competition


Backend Web Development in Python

  • Developed server-side web app software for a blog and wiki deployed on Google App Engine
  • Learned caching, user login, hashing, JSON/XML APIs and database querying
  • Completed course certification